This first from a series of performance re-enactments supporting research about food as a performance medium. We are starting with Matei Bejenaru`s “Strawberry fields forever“ (Barcelona, 2002).
The afterlife of food. First the afterlife of food that speaks about an injustice done to workers who would submit themselves to poor working conditions with a low pay because they believe this is their best option. Giving someone who is in need and with little choice, this work conditions as an option, is a situation of very little solidarity. The same kind of little solidarity that was later displayed by what seems an uncaring Europe, when the Spanish economy took a turn for the worst. I remember a friend who used to say: “An injustice anywhere in the world if ignored will come to you and your family“. I believe some of these injustices in the filed of black labour market came under a different form later, back to Spain.
After the performance is finished the afterlife of the food and it`s sociopolitical contents is supported by the labelled jar that tells the story in the absence of the workers or the strawberries or the food. The strawberry such a sweet and most often light, desirable food can be the carrier of such a heavy , sticky content?!